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Edging to Yourself
Swallow when you're done 😉
5/18/20243 min read

This weird yet delightful scenario has become a rare occurrence when allowing my sissy girl to cum. As much as I would like too, I can’t prevent him from cumming indefinitely. Dealing with the crankiness and constant annoying requests becomes too much in my house. So, to keep my sissy slave in line I allow him to relieve the tension every so often-it reduces the unruly behavior.
Still, there can be a lot of amusement in letting Sissy cream. Just because I need to let him cream doesn’t mean I can’t control how it happens. I am his Mommy Mistress after all. That is what I do-control everything he does and attach a caveat to anything he wants. “Yes, I will allow you to cum, but you must…” I believe in killing two birds with one stone. While keeping my slave from having behavioral issues, he can also train for his true purpose, this is…whatever I deem to be his true purpose. For instance, when Sissy needs to cream, I may tell him he can masturbate, but only by watching porn I approve of. Usually, that would consist of other sissy girls taking a bunch of beautiful cocks, and make him imaging he is in the middle of all of those daddies.
One day I came up with what I consider to be one of my most creative ways for him to masturbate. As the title says, I make him masturbate to photos or videos of himself, while in all his sissy glory. Have you ever given your slave a photo of himself bent over in fluffy pink panties and commanded him to jack off thinking about pounding that sissy pussy? Let me tell you, it is such a pleasure. It gets me wet every time. Sometimes I will sit there with him and just watch. I’ll tell him what to think about or imagine from the photo. Telling him to imagine sucking his cock and watching him cum from the thought of putting a man’s cock in his mouth is the perfect finish to an evening. Well…after making him clean up his sissy mess with his tongue of course.
If I’m really having a good day, I throw in some edging. I’ll make him edge to his own photos, off and on, all day. By the third or forth time he is begging me to cream, literally begging. That’s when he finally gets the command he has been longing for all day- “You may cum as long as it all goes in your mouth.”
Yes, edging to a photo of yourself is a scenario that I am especially proud of. Most importantly, Mommy Mistress approves it.

Here is a real example:
Yesterday, Sissy was being very unruly, which is to be expected since he hasn't been milked in about two weeks. I chose the photo below and made him lay on the bed to get the deed done.
"Now, I want you to use this photo of yourself and imagine eating his sissy pussy while stroking his dick and balls. You must get him off. Make sure to think about how you will clean up his mess as well."
I sat on the other side of the room and entertained myself by listening to his moans. I may have commanded him to talk dirty during the process. As always, Sissy asks for permission to cum. "You may, but aim for your mouth and swallow."
He did! 😊