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Our Sex Room
Mommy's Workshop
1/9/20246 min read

Why do we need a sex room?
A couple of years ago, I asked Mommy Mistress, before she was known as Mommy Mistress, if I could build a sex room in the extra room downstairs in the basement. After months of wearing her down, she finally consented. The ironic part was we didn't build a sex room because of how naughty we were, it was the sex room that built us as naughty as we are now. I think Mommy envisioned something different than what I had in mind. I sold it as simply a place to go and relax. It was going to be a place to "get us in the mood". The truth is, it became profoundly more than that, which led to the name "Mommy's Workshop".
Finding and crossing sexual boundaries
I decided that the only way we would ever cross our current boundaries or even tip-toe near those boundaries was convenience. If we had a sex swing hanging the in the room, maybe Mistress would be willing to try it.
The first time Mistress fucked me in the ass was not a result of weeks or even months of discussion between us like a responsibly communicating couple. There was a time when the naughty-hole was off limits for both of us. We had made that clear, to each other, in the beginning. Over time, Mommy started touching my asshole and mentally noting my reactions. Surprisingly, I began enjoying her fingering while she's blowing me. It reached a point where I wanted to try a strap-on. The short of it was, Mommy came home from work one day and I told her that I bought a strap-on online and showed it to her. To my delight, she wanted to try it right then and we did. Afterward, during pillow talk, we both admitted that we enjoyed it and confessed that we both had thoughts of doing it, but simply didn't tell each other. The point is, Mistress fucked me in the ass because I made it convenient for her to do so. This was a lesson learned in my marriage. I took a similar approach with the sex room, and it paid off!
Mommy's Workshop
I am going for it
Once I began designing Mommy's Workshop, I found myself coming up with so many ideas: dark gray walls; burgundy carpet and curtains; black furniture and shelves; red satin bed sheets; red and white lighting; and lots of mirrors.
After aesthetic quality, I found myself focusing on usability. The ideas were flowing as I was getting an erotic high off of this project. The possibilities were endless.
The problem was that some of the ideas I had would not line up with our actual sex practices. I found myself looking at the possibilities of what we could do with our new naughty space. We were still in that phase of our marriage where we both wanted to explore more erotic or even taboo things, but we were either to nervous to tell each other or we simply did not know what we wanted.
I got bold! "I'm going for it", I told myself. And that is exactly what I did.
One idea I was most proud of was to build a binding device on the wall. I dedicated an entire wall to this idea. Originally, I planned on binding my wife with it, but it turned out I'm the one that always gets tied up now. We can thank the Workshop for showing us what we really like. This is definitely my Mistress's favorite. She was willing to try the handcuffs on the wall because they were there and readily available. Now, Mistress loves to strap me in tight and spank or flog me. If she's really in a good mood, she'll stick a dick on the wall in front of me and make me suck it while punishing me. This was a cheaper alternative to the cross or some other large piece of furniture. We simply don't have the space.

If you really want to get your Mistress in the mood, get her a glass display case with lighting. Mommy Mistress loves to put all of her cocks on display, and they are many! I made sure the case could be closed to keep dust off of Mommy's tools. It makes storage so much simpler and most importantly, it serves as a constant reminder to whom this ass belongs too. Her cocks really glow well in the dark room.

In my opinion, the bed was the most important piece of the puzzle. When choosing a bed, I had to consider size, but most importantly, bounce. I found the springiest and most physics defying mattress that I could so that the bed does the work for me...well, for Mistress!😉 It turns out the smaller and bouncier the bed, the cheaper the cost. It worked out in our favor. I will say you aren't living until you have fucked on an extremely bouncy bed in front of a mirror. I added straps to the bed so that Mistress's Slave could be bound helplessly.
Additionally, I found a small leather black chair for my Mistress to sit in and relax, while being pampered and worshiped. She thought it was weird at first, but now it is a staple in our late night antics. Mistress uses it almost every time we are in the room. I think she gets off making me suck her heels and kiss her legs while she enjoys a glass of wine.

One of my latest additions is the wooden pillory. This little piece of wood and metal is demeaning, humiliating, restricting, and versatile all wrapped in one. Given the small space issue for Mommy's Workshop, I wanted one that was small but serious. We love this shameful device. We got it on Etsy from a small business owner. We definitely recommend them. It's great quality and the the owner was very pleasant to us. Naughty Woodworks -
Our review for the pillory is coming very soon.

Mommy's Workshop is our favorite room
I could go on and on about all of the features Mommy's Workshop ended up with, but this post would never end. I could tell you about the spanking bench that Mistress puts in front of the mirror and makes me watch myself get butt fucked and spanked. Or how about the eye bolts in various places on the ceiling for the 360 sex swing or pillory. Perhaps you would even like to hear about the fuck machine.
Our sex room is a wonderful adult playground that has changed our sex life for the better. We are discovering new things about ourselves and most importantly, we are discovering TOGETHER. Pushing the boundaries was a great idea. It was the convenience of all of the tools that made trying new things easier and ultimately led to better communication and understanding between a Mommy Mistress and her Sissy Slave. I do not believe I would be my Mommy's Sissy Slave without our sex room and I am watching my wife turn into the Mommy Mistress that she wants to be. We have both really opened up (pun intended) about what we want for our naughty time, and the truth is, Mommy's Workshop deserves a lot of the credit. It is by far our favorite room in the house.