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Sniff and Clean
A reward for my Sissy Slave
1/6/20241 min read

My Sissy Slave strives to be the perfect Sissy, and I am so impressed with his behavior the last couple weeks. His training is going well, and his obedience is top-notch. I have decided to acknowledge him for good behavior and performance. For a reward, I want something that will show him my love and appreciation, while reinforcing his place in my world; it should make him feel like he matters to me. What I've chosen for his bonus, will flawlessly exhibited that.
For the entire week, I am implementing the "Sniff and Clean" to commend him for being the Sissy Slave I knew he could be. When Mommy Mistress walks in the door from a long day at work, Sissy will greet her properly (House Rule #8). Mommy will undress and turn on her favorite TV show that ends just before dinner. He will fetch Mommy's seat, the buffet stool, and place it in front of the TV on the floor. Sissy will then take his place underneath the stool where Mommy comfortably sits. He will put his nose to Mommy's asshole for the entirety of her show, so that he can sniff and inhale her incessantly. His nose will not leave her asshole for any reason. Once the show is over, Sissy will clean the entire days filth off of Mommy's asshole with his tongue. After she is clean, Sissy will put the stool away and start making Mommy Mistress's dinner.
I think he is going to be honored by this bounty. This will show him how much I love and appreciate my Sissy Slave. Hehe!
-Mommy Mistress